From strategic planning, customer and sales funnel analysis to public relations and social media, see the award-winning client work performed over the past 30 years.
Global Business Impact Project
Apple: MacOS8 and Powerbooks Launch, 25 Millionth Mac Celebration, Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 1994-1999, SMG
IBM e-Business Campaign Launch Event, SMG
Sony Global HDTV Platform Launch, NAB, SMG
Adobe Postscript 3 Launch Event, Hudson Theater, New York, SMG
Disney, A Bug’s Life Movie Launch Exhibit, Design Support, SMG
Disney Innoventions, Orlando, Kiosk Animation Design and Development, SMG
Vision 2015 Conference Plan – American Marketing Association
American Marketing Association Conference Gallery
Vision 2015 Conference Final Delivery Report – Ipsos Reid Survey, BCAMA
BCT Global Fundraising Roadshow, (USA, EU, APAC) USD $35 MM ICO
Mockingbird Networks Tradeshow Properties, Brand Revitalization, Agency of Record
PowerPC (Apple, IBM, Motorola) Alliance Tradeshow Video, COMDEX, SMG
Uber Slams Into Wall in Vancouver, Canada, Future Travel, Medium
A Sneak Peak at BCAMA’s Vision Conference, Business in Vancouver
BCAMA Vision Conference, Nik Badminton, Betakit
Marketing Rules of Engagement, Huffington Post, Nicholas Badminton
The Next 36 — Gamechanger: YCombinator+Techstars Meets Rhodes Scholars, Medium
How Canada’s High-Tech Accelerators Stack Up, Techvibes, Medium
Measuring Water Quality From Space, Dynamix Agitators
Jane Shin, Member of the BC Legislative Assembly, Wikipedia
EyeOnPass Product Launch Press Release and Media Pitching, Earned Media
Korean War Veterans Day 2014, BC Government (BC Legislative Assembly), MLA Dr. J. Shin
Istuary Strikes Partnership Deal with Guangzhou HY Fund, Istuary
ICO and Blockchain Industry Report Published, Press Release, TGE Marketing, PR Newswire, Business Insider, others
Why Facebook Debunked Princeton’s Study
Open Letter to the CRTC and Telcos
Construction Innovation Gamechanger — Rhodes Scholars Meets Street Smarts
Infinity Blockchain Group (IBG) Blockchain Announcement
DLF Press Release
Moonstake Press Release
Moonstake Press Release
OTC Press Release
OIO/Pundi X Press Release
OIO/Neo Press Release
QRC HK Limited
OIO Holdings
Eriq Chang Studio
Bill Downie, Pear Design
Max Hirtz
Moonstake Brand Guidelines Essentials
BCAMA Vision Conference Teaser Video
Burnaby Hospice Society Video
Product / Roadshow Explainer Video for Blockchain Company
OTC Trade Explainer Video
OIO Holdings Limited Teaser
BCT Blockchain Terminal
US Emergency Safeguards on Chinese Apparel Textiles, University of Toronto
IDC Canada | IDG, Market Research Survey Design
Marketing CRM and Collaboration Software Evaluation, Lupa Solutions
STO Process Pitch Deck
Home Staging Impact Analysis MLS Data – Liberty Village, Toronto, Canada
International Marketing, Campaign Management, Email Marketing (won 7 awards for client in past 4 years)
Board Governance, Marketing Leadership, Fundraising
Board Governance, Fundraising
Ellen Degeneres, Bishop Desmond Tutu Fundraising Gala
We can’t wait to hear from you!